Make the Most of the Long Weekend

The arrival of Columbus Day means that the fall season squarely is upon us, the time of year that has special meaning for all of us in New England, even amidst a pandemic.

With the weatherman forecasting a beautiful weekend with warm temperatures and sunny skies, we hope that as many of our readers as possible will be able to partake of the simple pleasures of a hike in the woods or a long drive to enjoy the crisp, clean air and the autumn colors.

We realize that for each and every one of our fellow Americans, this is a time of high anxiety on so many levels, and that we have been living this way for the past seven months — with more to come.

But each of us must find a way to deal with the stressful times in which we find ourselves. From our experience, enjoying the great outdoors with our friends and family is the best prescription for de-stressing in any situation.

We urge all of our readers to make the most of the long weekend while we have the chance to do so before the colder weather of winter sets in.

Take a long walk, preferably a hike, whether along the shore, or in the mountains, or even as nearby as the Blue Hills. We promise that just being outside and taking in the natural world in the crisp air, away from the noise of our daily lives, will do wonders for our emotional and physical well-being.

Times Staff:
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