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EBECC Launches Needed Online Fundraising Campaign

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the East Boston Ecumenical Community Council (EBECC) has been going strong and continues to help low income and immigrant families cope during these unprecedented times. 

Executive Director Frank Ramirez announced EBECC, one of East Boston’s oldest social service agencies, is seeking donations so the organization can continue to help families in need during the pandemic. 

“Borrowing from an Advertisement by the Salvation Army that reads “Poverty should not be a life sentence” I want to tell you that under the Covid-19 pandemic poverty can be a life sentence,” said Ramirez. “In East Boston, by far the majority of patients being seen with COVID-19 are Hispanic. In Greater Boston, the population of Latinix folks is somewhat around 15 to 17 percent and nearly 50 percent of the people in our hospitals right now, in beds in the ICU or on the floor who have COVID are Hispanic according to official reports. Our community already suffers from acute respiratory infection, gastro-intestinal problems, diabetes, tuberculosis, hypertension, hepatitis B and C infections, neonatal complications, and AIDS. The only way to cope with such overwhelming problems is to build effective community support systems.”

So far the generosity from residents and supporters have helped EBECC to continue serving more than 5,000 immigrants and minorities at a time when everything feels uncertain. 

“We find comfort and encouragement knowing that you care about our cause,” said Ramirez. “We need your help. Immigrants come to this country for many different reasons, but not to die from Coronavirus; instead all share a common goal: to make life better for themselves and their families. How much value do you think there is in helping immigrants succeed?”

Ramirez said a donation of  $1,500 will help youth to access technology and material to advance in a path to higher education, life skills training, leadership development workshops and computer classes. A donation of $1,000 can help a father or mother to have the legal support that allows him or her to be reunited with their family. A donation of $150 to $300 can help promote the participation of Latino immigrant parents in Eastie to improve the Boston Public Schools, and for educational materials and supplies to help women and mothers learn basic English. A donation of $100 to $150 can help pay for childcare so a mother can attend an advanced English class and help not only herself but her children and family.

“The pandemic has disrupted many organizations, but our mission has not and will not be placed on hold,” said Ramirez. “That’s why we are asking you to help us cover the cost of continuing our work together by giving a gift. As EBECC’S Chief Executive Officer, I am proud to stand by an organization that provides the immigrant community in East Boston with invaluable services to help them realize their hopes for a better life. Please join me in supporting EBECC’S mission by making a donation at the level of your choice to help our families. On behalf of EBECC, I thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity.”

Donations can be made to https://ebecc.networkforgood.com/projects/55255-fulfillment-of-families-together&utm_campaign=dms_email_blast_750693. 

John Lynds:
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