On Monday night, the Harbor View Neighborhood Association held their monthly meeting and voted on one project and heard from the owners of Richdale Food Stores on future plans for the former 7-Eleven.
First, HVNA members voted 14 to 7 in favor a project at 63 Horace St. There, Terese and Richard Riamondi plan to subdivide the lot and build a three-story, two-unit house next to their existing owner occupied two-family.
While there was some concern over the building’s height, the longtime Eastie residents received the blessing of their Harbor View neighbors. The Riamondis plan to continue living in the two-family next door to the property they intend to build.
The couple’s architect, Frank DelMuto, showed drawings of the proposed A-frame two-family and said the design took elements from the surrounding buildings both in size and scope.
Next on the agenda, Richdale Food Store Director Barznab Khan pitched his plans to add beer and wine sales to the store on Byron Street. Barznab said many of his customers have asked for beer and wine sales because it would be more convenient than having to drive to a full-service liquor store.
The store, which started as a White Hen Pantry before converting to a 7-11 was taken over by Barznab last year and turned into a Richdale’s chain.
While Barznab may have support of loyal customers, some HVNA members expressed concerns considering the store is across the street from a public park, the Salesian Boys & Girls Club and the Edward Brooke Charter School.
Some also felt the store may lose that ‘community’-feel if beer and wine is added.