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Sen Joseph A Boncore Endorsed Rachael Rollins for Suffolk County DA

Rollins believes that justice is best served when every person who comes into contact with the system is treated with dignity and respect. She is running for Suffolk County District Attorney to keep communities safe and to ensure justice for victims. Rollins is committed to improving our criminal justice system through best-practices and data-driven programs that prioritize equity and justice. That includes focusing on treatment, not prosecution, for those swept up in the justice system for minor crimes. This will also allow prosecutors to focus more resources on the serious crimes that undermine public safety like domestic violence and sexual assault, gun violence, and homicides. Rollins is looking forward to working with the city leaders, police, community partners and residents of Suffolk County to transform the District Attorney’s office.

Sen. Joseph A. Boncore, a former public defender and co-sponsor of the criminal justice reform bill passed by the legislature this year, expressed his support for Rollins;

“We need a district attorney that will honor the transformative power of the law created by the legislature this year. I am confident that Rachel’s leadership on this issue will allow prosecutors to focus their resources on serious crimes that undermine the safety of our residents and away from non-violent drug offenders, diverting people from our jails and into substance use and mental health programs that lift people up rather than locking them up” said Sen. Boncore.

Rollins responded by saying, “I am honored to have the support of Sen. Boncore who fights every day for the people of his district. I look forward to working with him to protect public safety and make sure we have a justice system that is fair for everyone.”

If elected, Rollins would be the first woman to serve as Suffolk County District Attorney, and the first African-American woman to serve as a District Attorney in Massachusetts.

Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2018. To learn more about Rollins or to get involved, please visit: www.rollins4da.com.

Times Staff:
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