The developer of the project at 144 Addison Street that plans to take the large parcel of land currently used as a 900

Gate Residential Properties, LLC and Bulgroup Colorado, LLC’s Damian Szary plan to develop the 143,139 sq. ft. parcel at 144 Addison St. into a large-scale rental development.
car parking lot and replace it with a 270 unit development with 179 off street parking spaces opted to delay a vote by the Orient Heights Neighborhood Council Monday night.
Gate Residential Properties, LLC and Bulgroup Colorado, LLC’s Damian Szary plan to develop the 143,139 sq. ft. parcel at 144 Addison St. into a large-scale rental development.
Szary and his group, known for developments in Chelsea and Revere, want to create an approximately 189,770 square foot gross floor area transit-oriented residential development, creating 270 new housing units, 179 parking spaces, and landscape and streetscape improvements along Addison Street.
However, at Monday night’s meeting Szary said his group will continue to work with the community and abutters of the project before proceeding with a OHNC vote.
Abutters to the project have expressed concern with the projects scope and scale as well as the impact on local traffic and parking.
At Monday night’s meeting as well as previous meetings abutters have said the scale of this project (270 units) is too large for the community and will have a detrimental effect on the fabric of the neighborhood.
Residents have argued that a project of this magnitude will greatly increase the traffic on local streets due to its egresses on Addison Street as well as the private road behind the Marriott Hotel linking to Boardman Street. Resident feel the development will greatly increase traffic on already highly trafficked routes of Boardman, Addison, Saratoga, Bennington, Neptune – areas that are already pain points for commuters, especially during rush hour.
Residents and the developer have been going back and forth on whether or not the sole access to and from the development should be from 1A.
While Sazary has touted the project as a ‘transit oriented’ project many feel that is unrealistic.
At Monday nights meeting residents maintain residents living at the development will have many more cars than the developer is claiming, which will both increase traffic and lead to parking shortages on neighboring streets.
Another issue concerns a prior City of Boston Board of Appeal zoning decision and agreement that was made with the neighborhood in 1993 with prior owners of the site.
This agreement between the owners and the community, as part of an exchange for zoning relief, set stipulations in place to limit the sites impact on the neighboring community by limiting employee-only badged vehicular access from Addison Street.
The biggest controversy surrounding the proposal is the access route to the property. Many feel the McClellan Highway driveway should be the only entrance and exit point for the new residents, moving companies,delivery services and taxis/ride-sharing companies.
Residents said the goal should be making sure that there is no additional traffic impact to the current residents on Addison and Saratoga Streets before a vote is taken on the development.
Gate Residential Properties, LLC and Bulgroup Colorado, LLC’s Damian Szary plan to develop the 143,139 sq. ft. parcel at 144 Addison St. into a large-scale rental development.