Boston City Councilor Lydia Edwards is calling for local artwork submissions from the community as part of a contest to find defining District One displays for her office at Boston City Hall.
“I’m searching for creative pieces of art to highlight what makes Charlestown, East Boston, and the North End special places to live,” said Councilor Edwards. “As our neighborhoods change, it’s important to celebrate our communities past, present, and future landscape. What better way to achieve this than to have our neighbors submit interpretations for all City Hall visitors to see.”
Councilor Edwards is accepting artwork submissions between March 1 and April 1 that encapsulate the unique character and landscape of the district. The top three submissions will be selected and announced after the April deadline with a ceremony and dinner to follow. Artists will retain right to original submission but interpretation and display on city property is at the Councilor’s discretion.
There is no age limit for the contest, and all modes or vehicles of expression are welcomed. Submissions may be sent via e-mail in color PDF form to [email protected] with the subject line “District One Artwork Submission”. Physical submissions can be hand delivered or mailed to One City Hall Square, Suite 550, Boston, MA 02201.