The City of Boston is at a watershed moment as we find ourselves with the exciting opportunity to define our neighborhoods future for generations to come.
While I am incredibly hopeful for the future of this city, I am keenly aware of the challenges that face so many Bostonians on their own pathways. Many of those challenges begin with the basic human need and right for safe, clean, affordable housing.
Today, we face a housing crisis. Today, we face a wealth gap that for many is directly related to the ability to own a home. For many others, the after-effect of redlining, or a refusal of a loan to individuals deemed to be a poor financial risk, kept many people from being home owners.
It always circles back to housing and generational wealth.
In my district, we will be creating Boston’s newest neighborhood at Suffolk Downs at one end and at the other end redoing the oldest and largest housing project in new England located in Charlestown.
We will be facing challenges on each extreme of the housing spectrum. We will fight to keep all 1,100 housing units in Charlestown and stop displacement while we will fight to assure that our newest neighborhood is welcoming to all economic levels and embraces our incredible diversity.
Let’s make sure Boston’s future is not dictated by big business but instead show leadership to hold big business accountable to adjust to the needs and standards set by our community. Still at the core of both developments is the very question and need of having a home.
The city has launched an aggressive goal of building 53,000 housing units and is already ahead of schedule.
We are often told that we need to build more and with the age old rule of supply and demand will be able to house our poor, working class, and middle class. The “investor class” and higher income individuals will be drawn to the bright, sleek units and not to our traditional family housing stock.
Let me be clear, I do not believe we can build our way out of this housing crisis and I am a skeptic of trickle-down housing policies. We need a direct and equally aggressive mindset for creating housing for our families.
We need real numbers and measurements that reflect the average income of Bostonians and not based on the current area median income. We need targeted, frank discussions with developers. We need to set an investment standard in Boston.
We need to play defense and protect our housing stock like it is one of the most precious resources we have.
All the building in this great City will be for nothing if we turn around and find decimated neighborhoods that barely have a history or sense of community.
If your goal is to flip houses and make money on the backs of working families let me state that this city is not for you. If you come here to treat our neighborhoods like a piece of stock that can be traded on Wall Street. Boston is not for sale.
Our future is at stake and we have work to do. We will rise to the occasion and meet this challenge head on. Boston, we can build more than just buildings.
We can and must build pathways out of poverty through housing. We can and must build sustainable climate ready housing for all. We need multiple entries to home ownership that are are funded and supported by the City of Boston.
Therefore, let’s adopt a community benefit standard agreement, let us protect our tenants and help them become owners. Let us provide resources for our small mom and pop landlords to help them keep up with upgrades and incentivize them to house our vulnerable populations at reasonable rents through tax, insurance, and other policies.
Let us protect all Bostonians on their pathway. Let’s be sure that we can always say to struggling single parents, to newly arriving immigrants, to young people just starting out and forever to families that have been here for generations..
Welcome to Boston. Welcome home.