Letters to the Editor

Lifelong Eastie Resident Supports Lydia Edwards

To the Editor,

I am a life-long resident of this wonderful community of East Boston. And I do mean life-long: I am 96-years old and I’ve seen a thing or two. I am a WWII veteran, and raised a family here with my beloved wife Edna.  My parents were Italian immigrants who made the long trip to America to look for a better life.  I spoke Italian until I went to school and learned English.

I tell you a little bit about my history because I want you to know why I support District 1 City Council candidate Lydia Edwards.  Lydia Edwards knows this district is made of people like me who care deeply for this city and for the country. She is smart, caring, and listens to old-timers like me.  I always say we have to go back to the “old ways.” By that I mean we have to go back to days of respect, dignity, and putting the people first. Miss Edwards is my choice because I feel she has those qualities and more. She will listen to the people.

To me, Lydia Edwards is the leader we need for this district because of her experiences of helping others. She is a leader because she knows we just can’t continue to see this community bulldozed into a place I no longer recognize. Take it from me, someone who has seen so much in his life: change is the one constant, but I think we’ll be lucky to have someone like Lydia Edwards to help guide that change, with respect, to and for the people.

Thank you.


Stanley Buonagorio


I support Stephen Passacantilli

Dear Editor,

I am writing to support the candidacy of Stephen Passacantilli as District 1 City Councilor. I am the retired presiding justice of the East Boston Court. My roots in East Boston go back to 1889. I graduated from St. Mary’s School as did my children. I went to B.C. High, spent Friday nights at St. Mary’s CYO, and summers at Constitution Beach. After Law School I was an assistant District Attorney in East Boston and did some private practice locally.

I have known the Passacantilli family for over 50 years, and I know that Stephen is the most qualified candidate to represent East Boston on the City Council.  He is committed to this neighborhood and to Boston.  He’s raising his family here, and he’s invested in our schools and in our community.  Stephen has the education, the experience, and the tenacity to be the strongest voice for the residents of East Boston.

For these reasons I endorse Stephen Passacantilli without equivocation, and I hope you will join me in supporting him as East Boston’s next City Councilor.


Hon. Paul Mahoney,


Times Staff:
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