By John Lynds

An architectural rendering of the project at 245 Sumner Street that is currently under construction. The developer will hold a lottery for the five affordable units.
Maloney Properties will be conducting a Boston Planning and Development Agency (BPDA) income restricted rental lottery for five apartments located at 245 Sumner Street. The $8 million project replaced an existing warehouse with a new four-story, mixed-use building within walking distance of the Maverick MBTA Blue Line station.
The project will create 34 residential units, including the five affordable units, and 2,257 square feet of ground floor commercial space. Thirty-four parking spaces will be built below grade, and bicycle storage space will also be created. Community benefits include widened public sidewalks along Sumner and Orleans Streets, which will feature new landscaping and street trees.
Residents interested in putting their names into the lottery for one of the five affordable units can request an application by calling 617-209-5226 to have an BPDA application emailed. Applications will be made available for a 10 day period. You will not be able to receive an application after Friday, March 3. Applicants must fill out the BPDA application completely and mail it back to Maloney Properties, Inc., Attention: 245 Sumner Lottery, 27 Mica Lane, Wellesley MA 02481. Completed applications must be returned by the deadline, postmarked no later than March 10, 2017. Applicants who meet the deadline will then automatically be entered into the lottery.
Maloney Properties will then conduct a lottery and each applicant will be assigned a lottery number. Maloney Properties said there will be preference for a disabled household for Americans with Disabilities Act units. These units are built out for applicants with mobility impairments.
Also applicants with two or more household members will receive preference for the two-bedroom apartment.
According to the BPDA, income limits are required to be eligible for the lottery and this is based on household size and income. Depending on these factors, affordable units will range from $1,419 to $1,597 per month.
In June 2014 the Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association (JPNA) voted 21-13 to approve the project after the developer of the 245 Sumner St. project addressed residents’ concerns of height, density and style. The BPDA then approved the project later in the year.
Developer Michael Patrick and Brian Hosker originally proposed a five-story, 40 unit condo building with parking underneath and commercial retail space on the first floor.
The project, that replaced an old and unkempt industrial building known locally as the Cheese Factory, was first pitched in 2013. However, residents and abutters voiced concerns over the height of the building and its density.
After working closely with the JPNA the project that was approved by the BPDA and JPNA is a scaled down version of what was originally pitched.
Patrick eliminated the fifth floor penthouse, increased the set backs of the building and dropped the units from 40 to 34 units-five of which will be the affordable units. The parking spaces inside were reduced from 40 spaces to 34 and the developer also modified the architecture to give the building a more residential feel.
The units will consist of two and three bedroom units with a 4th floor penthouse that Patrick and his family will occupy.
There will also be close to 3,000 sq. ft. of first floor retail space that will include office space and retail.