Letter to the Editor

Stand up and speak out

To the editor,

I was not a happy camper reading the latest news on the decaying Northern Avenue bridge on Boston’s Waterfront. The city wants to dismantle it from Fort Point Channel and barge over the scraps over to the City Yards on East Eagle Street. I live on Eagle Hill and I am livid over this proposed idea to bring junk to my neighborhood where it will probably stay out of sight and mind of everyone but East Bostonians.

I agree with East Boston environmentalist Dr. Edith D’Angelis, “For decades, East Boston has been a dumping ground for all the waste not wanted around the City. It is time for it to stop.”

I also support the views expressed in last week’s new story by Ed Bell that to bring junk here to rot is indeed an affront to us and our desire to have a livable recreational Eastie waterfront.

I wonder if this also means that when the North Washington Street bridge between the North End and Charlestown is dismantled to make way for a new bridge, will government officials try and get Boston to throw new bridge scraps atop old bridge scraps?

East Boston has become hot real estate lately down at the Point and waterfront. Upscale waterfront views at one end of East Boston and a junk yard at the other end? There’s got to be a better plan to story bridge pieces than at the City Yards,

It is time for all of us to stand up and speak out loud and clear that no part of East Boston is a junk yard. I say dump the junk on the deserted Long Island, anywhere but here?


Sal Giarratani

Times Staff:
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