Mayor Martin Walsh appointed two East Boston residents and longtime community activists to serve on the Massachusetts Port Authority Community Advisory Committee (CAC)
Both Mary Berninger and Karen Buttiglieri of Eastie will join Darryl Pomicter of Beacon Hill, David Manning of South Boston, Erica Mattison of Dorchester and Maura Zlody of Fenway on the CAC.
“We rely on boards and commissions to review policy and guide decision making on initiatives that move the City of Boston forward,” said Walsh. “I have the utmost confidence in all of these appointees, and want to thank them for their service.”
Berninger is a longtime community activists, former state representative candidate and a former member of several Impact Advisory Committees as well as a member of the Orient Heights Neighborhood Council.
“I am very honored to have been chosen by Mayor Martin Walsh to represent East Boston on the Massachusetts Port Authority Community Advisory Committee,” said Berninger. “The relationship between the neighborhood, the city, and the authority will work for everyone when all are represented at the table of discussion around policy and impacts. I look forward to participating in those discussions, especially those concerning safety and environmental considerations that have a direct impact on our community.”
Buttiglieri worked for former Senate Presidents Robert Travaglini and Theresa Murray. She is a member of Piers PAC ( the Impact Advisory Committee that oversees the construction of the Pier One waterfront project) and former president and current member of the Orient Heights Neighborhood Council.
“Many thanks, to Mayor Walsh, for my appointment to the Massachusetts Port Authority Community Advisory Committee,” said Buttiglieri. “It is a pleasure to serve, and represent the residents of East Boston, with my good friend and community advocate, Mary Berninger. This is an amazing opportunity, that will enable us to meet with people from other neighborhoods that will allow us share ideas and also our concerns.”
The CAC will make recommendations to the governor and general court with respect to Massport matters, examine Massport reports, review the annual report, make recommendations on the annual budget, appoint a member of the Massport Board of Directors and hold hearings on matters relating to Massport.
The appointments of Berninger and Buttiglieri were part of Mayor Walsh’s 39 appointments to 12 City of Boston and Massachusetts boards and commissions in the first quarter of 2015. The appointees bring diverse expertise and backgrounds to their positions. The Mayor has appointing authority to more than 60 boards and commissions, which advise on policy and the administration of funding and services across a number of areas.
In February 2015 Walsh announced that Boston would begin taking applications from the general public for open seats on Boards and Commissions, to give everyone in Boston an opportunity to serve, or at least, inquire to serve the City in this capacity.
“Mary and Karen clearly share a great affection for the East Boston community,” said Massport CEO Thomas P. Glynn. “They have long East Boston ties, have been active in many neighborhood associations and have always worked for the benefit of the East Boston community. We look forward to continuing our relationship with them. They are a fine choice by Mayor Walsh.”
John Lynds can be reached at